

Accessibility statement

The website of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia has been designed and implemented in compliance with the technical requirements set out in Annex A of the Ministerial Decree issued on July 8, 2005 (updated by the Ministerial Decree issued on March 20, 2013) for the implementation of Law 4/2004 "Provisions to facilitate the access of people with disabilities to computer tools". Italian law is aligned with the AA W3C WCAG 2.0 compliance recommendations.

The pages of the site have been developed with the HTML5 markup language and are presented through the use of style sheets. The site is responsive, so it can also be used by devices other than the computer screen, such as tablets and smartphones.

Help us improve

Despite the attention paid to the site's creation and the numerous tests conducted, we cannot exclude with certainty that one or more pages may still not be accessible to some categories of users.
In this case, we apologise and ask you report to the address  any irregularities, in order to allow us to eliminate them as soon as possible.